What to Bring on the Appointment
Home Buyer eBook as found on www.realestatetechhelp.com
Public copy(s) of MLS Sheet
Mandatory agency disclosure
Comps in the area
Offer sheet
Tips on the Showing Remember to ask for the business:
What don’t you like about this house?
What do you like about the home?
Do you like what you have seen here?
Could you see yourself living here?
You gave me some positive feedback throughout the tour. What is your next step?
How much do you think that repair/upgrade would cost….let’s subtract that from an offer price and see what happens.
Offers are free and obligate you to nothing
Quick thought from Evan – Offer something personal about yourself while going through the house Elements to Remember While Demonstrating the Homes
Always start on the exterior of the home as you walk to the front door; build value before entering
Always enter the home through the front door
Control the presentation by positioning yourself strategically
Be prepared to build value by commenting on the key features and benefits to your prospect
Quickly discern the impact points in each key room of the home and maximize the visualization for the prospect
Obtain feedback throughout the showing to get and keep your prospects involved
Advise your prospect about problem space and offer solutions
Never stand in the middle of the room
Never stand too close to your prospects
Never join your prospects in a “close space”
Use your demonstration time to build value and to justify the price. This is what your prospect is trying to do
Make note of the questions you can’t answer