In whatever business you may be, the nature of network and communication has drastically evolved in this past decade alone. While physical networking, business cards, mailings, along with all other traditional forms of business communication are still useful and relevant to a degree, it has to be said: You need to be where your clients are. And where are your clients along with billions of others? Facebook.
Facebook is a necessary evil. When used purposefully and strategically, it can be a useful networking tool. Use it to get your voice heard. If you can measure your responses and leads, then keep at it and use it successfully for your business advantage. Joining and creating groups on Facebook is a great way to use this medium to glean, learn, and even share information. On the other hand, if you simply cannot stay on target and find yourself starting at endless pictures of your Aunt Sally’s cats, then by all means move along to more productive things. Focus on intentionally using social media. It’s all in how you use it.
Make it work for you!