If you’ve never heard of it before, there is a theory called “Rabbit Ears and Rabbit Eyes.” If you have rabbit ears what it means is you are known for having your ears always open and tuned into listening for the negative and for becoming overly sensitive about the negativity that you hear and take it very personally. If you haven’t noticed, this trend is especially true with sport athletes.
They can have the proclivity to listen to all the sports media and when they hear the media talking about them, they can take the good and the bad personally and get offended. Now with the onset of technology and all the social media, there is now a phenomenon of rabbit eyes. Although one might not listen to the radio or even watch television or listen to the news, but it’s downright impossible for an athlete on Twitter, for example, to not have rabbit eyes when thousands of people may be posting disparaging things about them and their game.
Athletes are not the only ones susceptible to this particular syndrome. It’s the same for any competitive area and the same thing happens in real estate. In the real estate world we can have rabbit ears, as there are so many webinars out there and one can feel compelled to listen to as many as they can. It can tend to just confuse, frankly, and sell us on products that we don’t need, or perhaps particular ones will try to teach opinions and facts from places in Arizona or California or places such as that and those ideas don’t necessarily translate or apply to the local market.
The rabbit eyes come in when looking at social media and seeing friends and competitors and agents that you know post all the positive things going on in their world and instead of encouraging them for taking that positive step, you get offended by it and become jealous and envious which directly affects your productivity.
Let’s purpose to do away with rabbit ears and rabbit eyes. You don’t need to sign up for every single webinar you get invited to! Don’t go looking through social media and on the Internet and get all hot and bothered by what you see other people doing, whether it’s good, bad, or indifferent. Determine to focus on your own game plan, focus on your own marketing dollars. Let us focus on our own plan for success! We need to be consistent with ourselves and become predisposed have a much better day.